Pastor's Paragraph March 5, 2024

Aug 22, 2023
Pastor’s Paragraphs: 3-5-2024
Sunday was a great day for our First Family as we welcomed five new members to the church. We have been privileged to welcome 13 new members (5 by way of baptism) so far this year.
Many thanks to our Membership and Fellowship committee for organizing our “First Family Fellowship Night” last Sunday. We try to have one church wide Sunday night fellowship once every quarter. We also heard a report about a mission trip being organized for this June. Remember there is an interest meeting scheduled right after church on March 17th in the CLC.
This past Sunday also began our week of prayer for North American Missions and our Annie Armstrong Easter Offering emphasis. Our First Family has adopted a goal of $13,500 as we join with other Southern Baptist Churches to raise 75 million dollars to help fund the ministry of our North American Mission Board.
Through the NAMB, we send out and support 2,900 missionary families in North America and endorse 3,700 chaplains. Since 2010, our NAMB has planted more than 10,000 churches across North America in places like Toronto, Boston, Denver, Chicago, St. Louis and Puerto Rico. To learn more about the mission and ministry we support through the Annie Armstrong Easter offering, you can go to I hope you will join me in praying for the Great Commission work done through our NAMB and give to the AAEO this Easter season. Special offering envelopes and prayer guides will be made available for this purpose.
The month of March marks Betty Vaughan’s 44th anniversary of service at CFBC. I know of no one else who has given more of themselves in service of their church than Betty has given over to CFBC. Betty it has been a blessing to serve with you these last eleven years and I look forward to many more years of service together. First Family, I hope you will find opportunity to thank Betty for all she does to serve us and further the ministry of our church.
We also extend our thanks to Emily Hurd as this month marks her 10th anniversary of service as our Preschool Ministry Director. So much of Emily’s work in managing our Nursery and Extended Session is behind the scenes and goes unnoticed by many in our congregation. Emily, thanks for your attention to detail and your love for the “little ones” of our church family. First Family, please find an opportunity to express your appreciation to Emily for her faithful service to our little ones and their families.
I begin my Easter preaching this Sunday as we focus on the “I Am” statements of Jesus found the gospel of John. Remember we will add an 8:30 AM service for Easter Sunday to make sure we have enough space for all who will worship with us. I hope you will be present with your First Family as we begin our Easter worship this Sunday. Blessings!
Pastor John